Archive | August, 2012

How to Make Use of PAD Submission to Sell

31 Aug

PAD file is short for Portable Application Description file, which is used to store information about a software application and make the download site submission more convenient.

How does it work? PAD uses a simplified XML syntax to carry all the basic information of the software author and software, such as contact info, system requirements, price, file names, download URL and so on. If the software author wants to submit his software to download sites for his customers to download, he doesn’t need to submit the software to it, but the PAD file instead.

In this way, it saves much time for both the software author and the download site webmasters and program librarians to automate program listing. So that software author can submit his software to more download sites in a short time with sufficient information about his software.

And how could PAD submission helpful for sales? Well, as we all know, usually most people would go to the download sites to get what they need if they want some software. And the more download sites you can submit your software to, the more chances for more people to find your software and download it. In short, to submit PAD file to more download sites, you can get your software more exposure to your target customers.

Moreover, the download URL included in the PAD file can also be of great help to promote your software. After the software gets listed in the download sites, the URL of our website is also shown on those sites, and each would be counted as a back link to our sites. And since most download sites have high authority and weight, the back links are considered as quality back links and really beneficial to improve the rankings of our website. Then, as the rankings keep climbing in the SERP, our website would gain greater visibility and attract more visitors and customers.

Now you’ve understood the importance of PAD submission to software promotion, the next thing you should do is to find a way to submit it to as many download sites as possible. After all the thousands of major download sites is not a small number, so if you want to submit your software manually one by one, that would be a really big work.

Go to get an auto submitter to quickly get all your work done. PAD submit worker and the likewise can be very helpful to you.

Do Your Best to Achieve Successful Online Marketing

16 Aug

The internet, whether you like it or not, is a crucial part of our life, and since more and more people get used to search for certain information about what they want, to market online is a very important way to promote products.

How to make the best of online marketing? Below are tips for you:
Website building and analytics. To brand the name of your products online, erecting a website is the very first move. Make your website professional and user-friendly. Identify who its online audience is so it can create branding strategies to appeal to this demographic. For example, if you want to know how to sell software with your website, you need first think of what the needs of your targeted customers are: the features of your software, the advantages to use your software other than others, whether you can be trusted, how to use your software, and so on. Try as possible as you can to make sure you clarify all the questions and wonderings from your visitors.

Then, try to get your website more traffic. To collect all resources that you can expose your website and your software. For example, social bookmark site, blogs, guest blogs, article directories, social network—those all are what you can make use of to get more exposure for your website.

And if you can, creating viral videos and using tags can help you succeed with Internet marketing. You should also add a link to your site in the video’s description. This will have a big impact on the amount of people who visit your website.

You will find lots of websites now, for example YouTube that enables individuals to upload, watch and share videos towards the relaxation around the globe. If you have a name during these channels, you’ll have the ability to market your items and services using brief, intriguing and memorable videos. Make use of your videos to advertise the hyperlinks aimed at your website. If everyone likes the clips that you simply upload, you’ll gradually begin to benefit from the recognition after they use social networking to talk about your videos. Consequently, this could highlight your company in addition to your items or services offered. You should use marketing with video together with your social networking efforts because this would be a more powerful a part of your web advertising campaign.

Above are some useful ways (which at least work for me) to make a successful online marketing. You can have a try.

Hello world!

16 Aug

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Happy blogging!